Source code for eveuniverse.models.universe_2

"""Eve universe models Part 2/2, containing location related models."""

# pylint: disable = too-few-public-methods

import math
import re
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Iterable, List, Optional, Set

from bitfield import BitField
from django.db import models
from django.utils.functional import cached_property

from eveuniverse.constants import EveGroupId, EveRegionId
from eveuniverse.core import dotlan, evesdeapi
from eveuniverse.managers import (
from eveuniverse.providers import esi

from .base import EveUniverseEntityModel, _SectionBase, determine_effective_sections
from .entities import EveEntity
from .universe_1 import EveType

[docs] class EveAsteroidBelt(EveUniverseEntityModel): """An asteroid belt in Eve Online""" eve_planet = models.ForeignKey( "EvePlanet", on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="eve_asteroid_belts" ) position_x = models.FloatField( null=True, default=None, blank=True, help_text="x position in the solar system" ) position_y = models.FloatField( null=True, default=None, blank=True, help_text="y position in the solar system" ) position_z = models.FloatField( null=True, default=None, blank=True, help_text="z position in the solar system" ) objects = EveAsteroidBeltManager() class _EveUniverseMeta: esi_pk = "asteroid_belt_id" esi_path_object = "Universe.get_universe_asteroid_belts_asteroid_belt_id" field_mappings = { "eve_planet": "planet_id", "position_x": ("position", "x"), "position_y": ("position", "y"), "position_z": ("position", "z"), } load_order = 200
[docs] class EveConstellation(EveUniverseEntityModel): """A star constellation in Eve Online""" eve_region = models.ForeignKey( "EveRegion", on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="eve_constellations" ) position_x = models.FloatField( null=True, default=None, blank=True, help_text="x position in the solar system" ) position_y = models.FloatField( null=True, default=None, blank=True, help_text="y position in the solar system" ) position_z = models.FloatField( null=True, default=None, blank=True, help_text="z position in the solar system" ) class _EveUniverseMeta: esi_pk = "constellation_id" esi_path_list = "Universe.get_universe_constellations" esi_path_object = "Universe.get_universe_constellations_constellation_id" field_mappings = { "eve_region": "region_id", "position_x": ("position", "x"), "position_y": ("position", "y"), "position_z": ("position", "z"), } children = {"systems": "EveSolarSystem"} load_order = 192
[docs] @classmethod def eve_entity_category(cls) -> str: return EveEntity.CATEGORY_CONSTELLATION
[docs] class EveMoon(EveUniverseEntityModel): """A moon in Eve Online""" eve_planet = models.ForeignKey( "EvePlanet", on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="eve_moons" ) position_x = models.FloatField( null=True, default=None, blank=True, help_text="x position in the solar system" ) position_y = models.FloatField( null=True, default=None, blank=True, help_text="y position in the solar system" ) position_z = models.FloatField( null=True, default=None, blank=True, help_text="z position in the solar system" ) objects = EveMoonManager() class _EveUniverseMeta: esi_pk = "moon_id" esi_path_object = "Universe.get_universe_moons_moon_id" field_mappings = { "eve_planet": "planet_id", "position_x": ("position", "x"), "position_y": ("position", "y"), "position_z": ("position", "z"), } load_order = 220
[docs] class EvePlanet(EveUniverseEntityModel): """A planet in Eve Online"""
[docs] class Section(_SectionBase): """Sections that can be optionally loaded with each instance""" ASTEROID_BELTS = "asteroid_belts" #: MOONS = "moons" #:
eve_solar_system = models.ForeignKey( "EveSolarSystem", on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="eve_planets" ) eve_type = models.ForeignKey( "EveType", on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="eve_planets" ) position_x = models.FloatField( null=True, default=None, blank=True, help_text="x position in the solar system" ) position_y = models.FloatField( null=True, default=None, blank=True, help_text="y position in the solar system" ) position_z = models.FloatField( null=True, default=None, blank=True, help_text="z position in the solar system" ) enabled_sections = BitField( flags=tuple(Section.values()), help_text=( "Flags for loadable sections. True if instance was loaded with section." ), # no index, because MySQL does not support it for bitwise operations ) # type: ignore objects = EvePlanetManager() class _EveUniverseMeta: esi_pk = "planet_id" esi_path_object = "Universe.get_universe_planets_planet_id" field_mappings = { "eve_solar_system": "system_id", "eve_type": "type_id", "position_x": ("position", "x"), "position_y": ("position", "y"), "position_z": ("position", "z"), } children = {"moons": "EveMoon", "asteroid_belts": "EveAsteroidBelt"} load_order = 205
[docs] def type_name(self) -> str: """Return shortened name of planet type. Note: Accesses the eve_type object. """ matches = re.findall(r"Planet \((\S*)\)", return matches[0] if matches else ""
@classmethod def _children(cls, enabled_sections: Optional[Set[str]] = None) -> dict: enabled_sections = determine_effective_sections(enabled_sections) children = {} if cls.Section.ASTEROID_BELTS in enabled_sections: children["asteroid_belts"] = "EveAsteroidBelt" if cls.Section.MOONS in enabled_sections: children["moons"] = "EveMoon" return children
[docs] class EveRegion(EveUniverseEntityModel): """A star region in Eve Online""" description = models.TextField(default="") class _EveUniverseMeta: esi_pk = "region_id" esi_path_list = "Universe.get_universe_regions" esi_path_object = "Universe.get_universe_regions_region_id" children = {"constellations": "EveConstellation"} load_order = 190 @property def profile_url(self) -> str: """URL to default third party website with profile info about this entity.""" return dotlan.region_url(
[docs] @classmethod def eve_entity_category(cls) -> str: return EveEntity.CATEGORY_REGION
[docs] class EveSolarSystem(EveUniverseEntityModel): """A solar system in Eve Online"""
[docs] class Section(_SectionBase): """Sections that can be optionally loaded with each instance""" PLANETS = "planets" #: STARGATES = "stargates" #: STARS = "stars" #: STATIONS = "stations" #:
eve_constellation = models.ForeignKey( "EveConstellation", on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="eve_solarsystems" ) eve_star = models.OneToOneField( "EveStar", on_delete=models.SET_DEFAULT, default=None, null=True, related_name="eve_solarsystem", ) position_x = models.FloatField( null=True, default=None, blank=True, help_text="x position in the solar system" ) position_y = models.FloatField( null=True, default=None, blank=True, help_text="y position in the solar system" ) position_z = models.FloatField( null=True, default=None, blank=True, help_text="z position in the solar system" ) security_status = models.FloatField() enabled_sections = BitField( flags=tuple(Section.values()), help_text=( "Flags for loadable sections. True if instance was loaded with section." ), # no index, because MySQL does not support it for bitwise operations ) # type: ignore class _EveUniverseMeta: esi_pk = "system_id" esi_path_list = "Universe.get_universe_systems" esi_path_object = "Universe.get_universe_systems_system_id" field_mappings = { "eve_constellation": "constellation_id", "eve_star": "star_id", "position_x": ("position", "x"), "position_y": ("position", "y"), "position_z": ("position", "z"), } children = {} load_order = 194 NearestCelestial = namedtuple( "NearestCelestial", ["eve_type", "eve_object", "distance"] ) NearestCelestial.__doc__ = "Container for a nearest celestial" @property def profile_url(self) -> str: """Return URL to default third party website with profile info about this solar system. """ return dotlan.solar_system_url( @property def is_high_sec(self) -> bool: """Return True when this solar system is in high sec, else False.""" return round(self.security_status, 1) >= 0.5 @property def is_low_sec(self) -> bool: """Return True when this solar system is in low sec, else False.""" return 0 < round(self.security_status, 1) < 0.5 @property def is_null_sec(self) -> bool: """Return True when this solar system is in null sec, else False.""" return ( not self.is_w_space and not self.is_trig_space and not self.is_abyssal_deadspace and round(self.security_status, 1) <= 0 and not self.is_w_space ) @property def is_w_space(self) -> bool: """Return True when this solar system is in wormhole space, else False.""" return 31_000_000 <= < 32_000_000 @cached_property def is_trig_space(self) -> bool: """Return True when this solar system is in Triglavian space, else False.""" return self.eve_constellation.eve_region_id == EveRegionId.POCHVEN @property def is_abyssal_deadspace(self) -> bool: """Return True when this solar system is in abyssal deadspace, else False.""" return 32_000_000 <= < 33_000_000
[docs] @classmethod def eve_entity_category(cls) -> str: """Return related EveEntity category.""" return EveEntity.CATEGORY_SOLAR_SYSTEM
[docs] def distance_to(self, destination: "EveSolarSystem") -> Optional[float]: """Calculates the distance in meters between the current and the given solar system Args: destination: Other solar system to use in calculation Returns: Distance in meters or None if one of the systems is in WH space """ if not self.position_x or not self.position_y or not self.position_z: return None if ( not destination or not destination.position_x or not destination.position_y or not destination.position_z ): return None if ( self.is_w_space or destination.is_w_space or self.is_trig_space or destination.is_trig_space ): return None return math.sqrt( (destination.position_x - self.position_x) ** 2 + (destination.position_y - self.position_y) ** 2 + (destination.position_z - self.position_z) ** 2 )
[docs] def route_to( self, destination: "EveSolarSystem" ) -> Optional[List["EveSolarSystem"]]: """Calculates the shortest route between the current and the given solar system Args: destination: Other solar system to use in calculation Returns: List of solar system objects incl. origin and destination or None if no route can be found (e.g. if one system is in WH space) """ if ( self.is_w_space or destination.is_w_space or self.is_trig_space or destination.is_trig_space ): return None path_ids = self._calc_route_esi(, if path_ids is None: return None return [ EveSolarSystem.objects.get_or_create_esi(id=solar_system_id) # type: ignore for solar_system_id in path_ids ]
[docs] def jumps_to(self, destination: "EveSolarSystem") -> Optional[int]: """Calculates the shortest route between the current and the given solar system Args: destination: Other solar system to use in calculation Returns: Number of total jumps or None if no route can be found (e.g. if one system is in WH space) """ if ( self.is_w_space or destination.is_w_space or self.is_trig_space or destination.is_trig_space ): return None path_ids = self._calc_route_esi(, return len(path_ids) - 1 if path_ids is not None else None
@staticmethod def _calc_route_esi(origin_id: int, destination_id: int) -> Optional[List[int]]: """returns the shortest route between two given solar systems. Route is calculated by ESI Args: destination_id: ID of the other solar system to use in calculation Returns: List of solar system IDs incl. origin and destination or None if no route can be found (e.g. if one system is in WH space) """ try: return esi.client.Routes.get_route_origin_destination( origin=origin_id, destination=destination_id ).results() except OSError: # FIXME: ESI is supposed to return 404, # but django-esi is actually returning an OSError return None
[docs] def nearest_celestial( self, x: int, y: int, z: int, group_id: Optional[int] = None ) -> Optional[NearestCelestial]: """Determine nearest celestial to given coordinates as eveuniverse object. Args: x, y, z: Start point in space to look from group_id: Eve ID of group to filter results by Raises: HTTPError: If an HTTP error is encountered Returns: Eve item or None if none is found """ item = evesdeapi.nearest_celestial(, x=x, y=y, z=z, group_id=group_id ) if not item: return None eve_type, _ = EveType.objects.get_or_create_esi(id=item.type_id) # type: ignore class_mapping = { EveGroupId.ASTEROID_BELT: EveAsteroidBelt, EveGroupId.MOON: EveMoon, EveGroupId.PLANET: EvePlanet, EveGroupId.STAR: EveStar, EveGroupId.STARGATE: EveStargate, EveGroupId.STATION: EveStation, } try: my_class = class_mapping[eve_type.eve_group_id] except KeyError: return None obj, _ = my_class.objects.get_or_create_esi( return self.NearestCelestial( eve_type=eve_type, eve_object=obj, distance=item.distance )
@classmethod def _children(cls, enabled_sections: Optional[Set[str]] = None) -> dict: enabled_sections = determine_effective_sections(enabled_sections) children = {} if cls.Section.PLANETS in enabled_sections: children["planets"] = "EvePlanet" if cls.Section.STARGATES in enabled_sections: children["stargates"] = "EveStargate" if cls.Section.STATIONS in enabled_sections: children["stations"] = "EveStation" return children @classmethod def _disabled_fields(cls, enabled_sections: Optional[Set[str]] = None) -> set: enabled_sections = determine_effective_sections(enabled_sections) if cls.Section.STARS not in enabled_sections: return {"eve_star"} return set() @classmethod def _inline_objects(cls, enabled_sections: Optional[Set[str]] = None) -> dict: if not enabled_sections or cls.Section.PLANETS not in enabled_sections: return {} return super()._inline_objects()
[docs] class EveStar(EveUniverseEntityModel): """A star in Eve Online""" age = models.BigIntegerField() eve_type = models.ForeignKey( "EveType", on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="eve_stars" ) luminosity = models.FloatField() radius = models.PositiveIntegerField() spectral_class = models.CharField(max_length=16) temperature = models.PositiveIntegerField() class _EveUniverseMeta: esi_pk = "star_id" esi_path_object = "Universe.get_universe_stars_star_id" field_mappings = {"eve_type": "type_id"} load_order = 222
[docs] class EveStargate(EveUniverseEntityModel): """A stargate in Eve Online""" destination_eve_stargate = models.OneToOneField( "EveStargate", on_delete=models.SET_DEFAULT, null=True, default=None, blank=True ) destination_eve_solar_system = models.ForeignKey( "EveSolarSystem", on_delete=models.SET_DEFAULT, null=True, default=None, blank=True, related_name="destination_eve_stargates", ) eve_solar_system = models.ForeignKey( "EveSolarSystem", on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="eve_stargates" ) eve_type = models.ForeignKey( "EveType", on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="eve_stargates" ) position_x = models.FloatField( null=True, default=None, blank=True, help_text="x position in the solar system" ) position_y = models.FloatField( null=True, default=None, blank=True, help_text="y position in the solar system" ) position_z = models.FloatField( null=True, default=None, blank=True, help_text="z position in the solar system" ) objects = EveStargateManager() class _EveUniverseMeta: esi_pk = "stargate_id" esi_path_object = "Universe.get_universe_stargates_stargate_id" field_mappings = { "destination_eve_stargate": ("destination", "stargate_id"), "destination_eve_solar_system": ("destination", "system_id"), "eve_solar_system": "system_id", "eve_type": "type_id", "position_x": ("position", "x"), "position_y": ("position", "y"), "position_z": ("position", "z"), } dont_create_related = { "destination_eve_stargate", "destination_eve_solar_system", } load_order = 224
[docs] class EveStation(EveUniverseEntityModel): """A space station in Eve Online""" eve_race = models.ForeignKey( "EveRace", on_delete=models.SET_DEFAULT, default=None, null=True, related_name="eve_stations", ) eve_solar_system = models.ForeignKey( "EveSolarSystem", on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="eve_stations", ) eve_type = models.ForeignKey( "EveType", on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="eve_stations", ) max_dockable_ship_volume = models.FloatField() office_rental_cost = models.FloatField() owner_id = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=None, null=True, db_index=True) position_x = models.FloatField( null=True, default=None, blank=True, help_text="x position in the solar system" ) position_y = models.FloatField( null=True, default=None, blank=True, help_text="y position in the solar system" ) position_z = models.FloatField( null=True, default=None, blank=True, help_text="z position in the solar system" ) reprocessing_efficiency = models.FloatField() reprocessing_stations_take = models.FloatField() services = models.ManyToManyField("EveStationService") class _EveUniverseMeta: esi_pk = "station_id" esi_path_object = "Universe.get_universe_stations_station_id" field_mappings = { "eve_race": "race_id", "eve_solar_system": "system_id", "eve_type": "type_id", "owner_id": "owner", "position_x": ("position", "x"), "position_y": ("position", "y"), "position_z": ("position", "z"), } inline_objects = {"services": "EveStationService"} load_order = 207
[docs] @classmethod def eve_entity_category(cls) -> str: return EveEntity.CATEGORY_STATION
@classmethod def _update_or_create_inline_objects( cls, *, parent_eve_data_obj: dict, parent_obj, wait_for_children: bool, enabled_sections: Iterable[str], task_priority: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """updates_or_creates station service objects for EveStations""" if "services" in parent_eve_data_obj: services = [] for service_name in parent_eve_data_obj["services"]: service, _ = EveStationService.objects.get_or_create(name=service_name) services.append(service) if services:*services)
[docs] class EveStationService(models.Model): """A service in a space station""" name = models.CharField(max_length=50, unique=True) def __str__(self) -> str: return