Source code for eveuniverse.managers.universe

"""Managers and Querysets for Eve universe models."""

import datetime as dt
import logging
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple

from bravado.exception import HTTPNotFound
from django.db import models
from django.utils.timezone import now

from eveuniverse import __title__
from eveuniverse.app_settings import EVEUNIVERSE_BULK_METHODS_BATCH_SIZE
from eveuniverse.helpers import get_or_create_esi_or_none
from eveuniverse.providers import esi
from eveuniverse.utils import LoggerAddTag

logger = LoggerAddTag(logging.getLogger(__name__), __title__)

_FakeResponse = namedtuple("_FakeResponse", ["status_code"])

[docs] class EveUniverseEntityModelManager(models.Manager): """Custom manager adding the ability to fetch objects from ESI."""
[docs] def get_or_create_esi( self, *, id: int, include_children: bool = False, wait_for_children: bool = True, enabled_sections: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, task_priority: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Tuple[Any, bool]: """gets or creates an eve universe object. The object is automatically fetched from ESI if it does not exist (blocking). Will always get/create parent objects. Args: id: Eve Online ID of object include_children: if child objects should be updated/created as well (only when a new object is created) wait_for_children: when true child objects will be updated/created blocking (if any), else async (only when a new object is created) enabled_sections: Sections to load regardless of current settings, e.g. `[EveType.Section.DOGMAS]` will always load dogmas for EveTypes task_priority: priority of started tasks Returns: A tuple consisting of the requested object and a created flag """ from eveuniverse.models.base import determine_effective_sections id = int(id) effective_sections = determine_effective_sections(enabled_sections) try: enabled_sections_filter = self._enabled_sections_filter(effective_sections) obj = self.filter(**enabled_sections_filter).get(id=id) return obj, False except self.model.DoesNotExist: return self.update_or_create_esi( id=id, include_children=include_children, wait_for_children=wait_for_children, enabled_sections=effective_sections, task_priority=task_priority, )
def _enabled_sections_filter(self, enabled_sections: Iterable[str]) -> dict: return { "enabled_sections": getattr(self.model.enabled_sections, section) for section in enabled_sections if str(section) in self.model.Section.values() }
[docs] def update_or_create_esi( self, *, id: int, include_children: bool = False, wait_for_children: bool = True, enabled_sections: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, task_priority: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Tuple[Any, bool]: """updates or creates an Eve universe object by fetching it from ESI (blocking). Will always get/create parent objects Args: id: Eve Online ID of object include_children: if child objects should be updated/created as well (if any) wait_for_children: when true child objects will be updated/created blocking (if any), else async enabled_sections: Sections to load regardless of current settings, e.g. `[EveType.Section.DOGMAS]` will always load dogmas for EveTypes task_priority: priority of started tasks Returns: A tuple consisting of the requested object and a created flag """ from eveuniverse.models.base import determine_effective_sections id = int(id) effective_sections = determine_effective_sections(enabled_sections) eve_data_obj = self._transform_esi_response_for_list_endpoints( self.model, id, self._fetch_from_esi(id=id) ) if eve_data_obj: defaults = self.model._defaults_from_esi_obj( eve_data_obj, effective_sections ) obj, created = self.update_or_create(id=id, defaults=defaults) self.model._update_or_create_inline_objects( parent_eve_data_obj=eve_data_obj, parent_obj=obj, wait_for_children=wait_for_children, enabled_sections=effective_sections, task_priority=task_priority, ) if include_children: self.model._update_or_create_children( parent_eve_data_obj=eve_data_obj, include_children=include_children, wait_for_children=wait_for_children, enabled_sections=effective_sections, task_priority=task_priority, ) if not include_children and effective_sections: updated_sections = ( effective_sections - self.model._sections_need_children() ) else: updated_sections = effective_sections obj.set_updated_sections(updated_sections) else: raise HTTPNotFound( _FakeResponse(status_code=404), # type: ignore message=f"{self.model.__name__} object with id {id} not found", ) return obj, created
@staticmethod def _transform_esi_response_for_list_endpoints( model_class, id: int, esi_data ) -> dict: """Transforms raw ESI response from list endpoints if this is one else just passes the ESI response through """ if not model_class._is_list_only_endpoint(): return esi_data esi_pk = model_class._esi_pk() for row in esi_data: if esi_pk in row and row[esi_pk] == id: return row raise HTTPNotFound( _FakeResponse(status_code=404), # type: ignore message=f"{model_class.__name__} object with id {id} not found", ) def _fetch_from_esi( self, id: Optional[int] = None, _enabled_sections: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, ) -> dict: """make request to ESI and return response data. Can handle raw ESI response from both list and normal endpoints. """ if id is not None and not self.model._is_list_only_endpoint(): params = {self.model._esi_pk(): id} else: params = {} category, method = self.model._esi_path_object() esi_data = getattr(getattr(esi.client, category), method)(**params).results() return esi_data
[docs] def update_or_create_all_esi( self, *, include_children: bool = False, wait_for_children: bool = True, enabled_sections: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, task_priority: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """Update or create all objects of this class from ESI. Loading all objects can take a long time. Use with care! Args: include_children: if child objects should be updated/created as well (if any) wait_for_children: when false all objects will be loaded async, else blocking enabled_sections: Sections to load regardless of current settings """ from eveuniverse.models.base import determine_effective_sections from eveuniverse.tasks import ( update_or_create_eve_object as task_update_or_create_eve_object, ) effective_sections = determine_effective_sections(enabled_sections) if self.model._is_list_only_endpoint(): self._update_or_create_all_esi_list_endpoint(effective_sections) else: self._update_or_create_all_esi_normal( include_children, wait_for_children, task_priority, task_update_or_create_eve_object, effective_sections, )
def _update_or_create_all_esi_list_endpoint(self, effective_sections): esi_pk = self.model._esi_pk() for eve_data_obj in self._fetch_from_esi(): params = { "id": eve_data_obj[esi_pk], "defaults": self.model._defaults_from_esi_obj( eve_data_obj=eve_data_obj, enabled_sections=effective_sections ), } self.update_or_create(**params) def _update_or_create_all_esi_normal( self, include_children, wait_for_children, task_priority, task_update_or_create_eve_object, effective_sections, ): if self.model._has_esi_path_list(): category, method = self.model._esi_path_list() ids = getattr(getattr(esi.client, category), method)().results() for id in ids: if wait_for_children: self.update_or_create_esi( id=id, include_children=include_children, wait_for_children=wait_for_children, enabled_sections=effective_sections, ) else: params: Dict[str, Any] = { "kwargs": { "model_name": self.model.__name__, "id": id, "include_children": include_children, "wait_for_children": wait_for_children, "enabled_sections": list(effective_sections), "task_priority": task_priority, }, } if task_priority: params["priority"] = task_priority task_update_or_create_eve_object.apply_async(**params) # type: ignore else: raise TypeError( f"ESI does not provide a list endpoint for {self.model.__name__}" )
[docs] def bulk_get_or_create_esi( self, *, ids: Iterable[int], include_children: bool = False, wait_for_children: bool = True, enabled_sections: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, task_priority: Optional[int] = None, ) -> models.QuerySet: """Gets or creates objects in bulk. Nonexisting objects will be fetched from ESI (blocking). Will always get/create parent objects. Args: ids: List of valid IDs of Eve objects include_children: when needed to updated/created if child objects should be updated/created as well (if any) wait_for_children: when true child objects will be updated/created blocking (if any), else async enabled_sections: Sections to load regardless of current settings Returns: Queryset with all requested eve objects """ from eveuniverse.models.base import determine_effective_sections ids = set(map(int, ids)) effective_sections = determine_effective_sections(enabled_sections) enabled_sections_filter = self._enabled_sections_filter(effective_sections) existing_ids = set( self.filter(id__in=ids) .filter(**enabled_sections_filter) .values_list("id", flat=True) ) for id in ids.difference(existing_ids): self.update_or_create_esi( id=int(id), include_children=include_children, wait_for_children=wait_for_children, enabled_sections=effective_sections, task_priority=task_priority, ) return self.filter(id__in=ids)
class EvePlanetManager(EveUniverseEntityModelManager): """:meta private:""" def _fetch_from_esi( self, id: Optional[int] = None, enabled_sections: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None ) -> dict: from eveuniverse.models import EveSolarSystem if id is None: raise ValueError("id not defined") esi_data = super()._fetch_from_esi(id=id) # no need to proceed if all children have been disabled if not self.model._children(enabled_sections): return esi_data if "system_id" not in esi_data: raise ValueError("system_id not found in moon response - data error") system_id = esi_data["system_id"] solar_system_data = EveSolarSystem.objects._fetch_from_esi(id=system_id) # type: ignore if "planets" not in solar_system_data: raise ValueError("planets not found in solar system response - data error") for planet in solar_system_data["planets"]: if planet["planet_id"] == id: if "moons" in planet: esi_data["moons"] = planet["moons"] if "asteroid_belts" in planet: esi_data["asteroid_belts"] = planet["asteroid_belts"] return esi_data raise ValueError( f"Failed to find moon {id} in solar system response for {system_id} " f"- data error" ) class EvePlanetChildrenManager(EveUniverseEntityModelManager): """:meta private:""" def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self._my_property_name = None def _fetch_from_esi( self, id: Optional[int] = None, _enabled_sections: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, ) -> dict: from eveuniverse.models import EveSolarSystem if not self._my_property_name: raise RuntimeWarning("my_property_name not initialized") if id is None: raise ValueError("missing id") esi_data = super()._fetch_from_esi(id=id) if "system_id" not in esi_data: raise ValueError("system_id not found in moon response - data error") system_id = esi_data["system_id"] solar_system_data = EveSolarSystem.objects._fetch_from_esi(id=system_id) # type: ignore if "planets" not in solar_system_data: raise ValueError("planets not found in solar system response - data error") for planet in solar_system_data["planets"]: if ( self._my_property_name in planet and planet[self._my_property_name] and id in planet[self._my_property_name] ): esi_data["planet_id"] = planet["planet_id"] return esi_data raise ValueError( f"Failed to find moon {id} in solar system response for {system_id} " f"- data error" ) class EveAsteroidBeltManager(EvePlanetChildrenManager): """:meta private:""" def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self._my_property_name = "asteroid_belts" class EveMoonManager(EvePlanetChildrenManager): """:meta private:""" def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self._my_property_name = "moons" class EveStargateManager(EveUniverseEntityModelManager): """For special handling of relations :meta private: """ def update_or_create_esi( self, *, id: int, include_children: bool = False, wait_for_children: bool = True, enabled_sections: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, task_priority: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Tuple[Any, bool]: """updates or creates an EveStargate object by fetching it from ESI (blocking). Will always get/create parent objects Args: id: Eve Online ID of object include_children: (no effect) wait_for_children: (no effect) Returns: A tuple consisting of the requested object and a created flag """ obj, created = super().update_or_create_esi( id=int(id), include_children=include_children, wait_for_children=wait_for_children, task_priority=task_priority, ) if obj: if obj.destination_eve_stargate is not None: obj.destination_eve_stargate.destination_eve_stargate = obj if obj.eve_solar_system is not None: obj.destination_eve_stargate.destination_eve_solar_system = ( obj.eve_solar_system ) return obj, created class EveTypeManager(EveUniverseEntityModelManager): """:meta private:""" def update_or_create_esi( self, *, id: int, include_children: bool = False, wait_for_children: bool = True, enabled_sections: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, task_priority: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Tuple[Any, bool]: from eveuniverse.models.base import determine_effective_sections effective_sections = determine_effective_sections(enabled_sections) obj, created = super().update_or_create_esi( id=id, include_children=include_children, wait_for_children=wait_for_children, enabled_sections=effective_sections, task_priority=task_priority, ) if effective_sections: if self.model.Section.TYPE_MATERIALS in effective_sections: from eveuniverse.models import EveTypeMaterial EveTypeMaterial.objects.update_or_create_api(eve_type=obj) # type: ignore if self.model.Section.INDUSTRY_ACTIVITIES in effective_sections: from eveuniverse.models import ( EveIndustryActivityDuration, EveIndustryActivityMaterial, EveIndustryActivityProduct, EveIndustryActivitySkill, ) EveIndustryActivityDuration.objects.update_or_create_api(eve_type=obj) # type: ignore EveIndustryActivityProduct.objects.update_or_create_api(eve_type=obj) # type: ignore EveIndustryActivitySkill.objects.update_or_create_api(eve_type=obj) # type: ignore EveIndustryActivityMaterial.objects.update_or_create_api(eve_type=obj) # type: ignore return obj, created
[docs] class EveMarketPriceManager(models.Manager): """Custom manager for EveMarketPrice."""
[docs] def update_from_esi(self, minutes_until_stale: Optional[int] = None) -> int: """Updates market prices from ESI. Will only create new price objects for EveTypes that already exist in the database. Args: minutes_until_stale: only prices older then given minutes are regarding as stale and will be updated. Will use default (60) if not specified. Returns: Count of updated types """ prices = self.fetch_data_from_esi() if not prices: return 0 updated_count = self.update_objs_from_esi_data(prices, minutes_until_stale) return updated_count
[docs] def fetch_data_from_esi(self) -> Dict[int, dict]: """Fetch market prices from ESI and return them.""" entries = esi.client.Market.get_markets_prices().results()"Received %d market prices from ESI", len(entries)) return entries
[docs] def update_objs_from_esi_data( self, prices: List[dict], minutes_until_stale: Optional[int] = None ) -> int: """Update prices from provided ESI data.""" prices_2 = {int(obj["type_id"]): obj for obj in prices if "type_id" in obj} to_update, to_delete = self._identify_types_to_update( prices_2, minutes_until_stale ) if to_delete: self._delete_objs(to_delete) if not to_update:"Market prices are up to date") return 0 types_to_create = self._update_objs(prices_2, to_update) if types_to_create: self._create_new_objs(prices_2, types_to_create) return len(to_update)
def _identify_types_to_update( self, prices, minutes_until_stale: Optional[int] ) -> Tuple[Set[int]]: from eveuniverse.models import EveType existing_types = set(EveType.objects.values_list("id", flat=True)) incoming_prices = set(prices.keys()) relevant_types = incoming_prices.intersection(existing_types) minutes_until_stale = ( self.model.DEFAULT_MINUTES_UNTIL_STALE if minutes_until_stale is None else minutes_until_stale ) stale_deadline = now() - dt.timedelta(minutes=minutes_until_stale) prices_not_stale = set( self.filter(updated_at__gt=stale_deadline).values_list( "eve_type_id", flat=True ) ) types_to_update = relevant_types.difference(prices_not_stale) existing_prices = set(self.values_list("eve_type_id", flat=True)) types_to_delete = existing_prices - incoming_prices return types_to_update, types_to_delete def _delete_objs(self, to_delete): self.filter(eve_type_id__in=to_delete).delete()"Deleted %d obsolete market prices", len(to_delete)) def _update_objs(self, prices: dict, types_need_updating: Set[int]) -> Set[int]: existing_prices_query = self.filter(eve_type_id__in=types_need_updating) objs = existing_prices_query.in_bulk().values() for obj in objs: entry = prices[obj.eve_type_id] obj.adjusted_price = entry.get("adjusted_price") obj.average_price = entry.get("average_price") obj.updated_at = now() self.bulk_update( objs, fields=["adjusted_price", "average_price", "updated_at"], batch_size=EVEUNIVERSE_BULK_METHODS_BATCH_SIZE, )"Updated market prices for %d types...", len(objs)) updated_types = {obj.eve_type_id for obj in objs} return types_need_updating - updated_types def _create_new_objs(self, prices: dict, types_to_create: Set[int]): from eveuniverse.models import EveType objs = [ self.model( eve_type=get_or_create_esi_or_none("type_id", entry, EveType), adjusted_price=entry.get("adjusted_price"), average_price=entry.get("average_price"), ) for type_id, entry in prices.items() if type_id in types_to_create ] self.bulk_create(objs, batch_size=EVEUNIVERSE_BULK_METHODS_BATCH_SIZE)"Create new prices for %s types.", len(objs))